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5052 Marine Grade Aluminium Alloy Sheet

2021-08-31 16:57:54

Marine aluminum plates are immersed in water all year round and require high corrosion resistance. 5052 marine grade aluminium alloy sheet are Al-Mg alloys with excellent corrosion resistance and medium strength. They are suitable for the manufacture of economical aluminum alloy ships. Due to the large amount of harmful substances produced during the construction and dismantling of FRP boats, aluminized fishing boats have been developed, and marine grade aluminium alloy sheet have been widely used internationally. At present, my country’s aluminum alloy yachts, aluminum alloy fishing boats, and aluminum alloy ships, has also developed rapidly.

5052 marine grade aluminium alloy sheet

There are two types of aluminum alloy yachts, one is a small yacht, which usually takes four or five people, and the other is a luxury yacht, which can take a dozen people. Under normal circumstances, small yachts are usually in freshwater lakes, freshwater rivers, and generally do not travel at sea. The material of this kind of yachts is generally made of 5052H32 or 5052 0-state aluminum plates. 5052 aluminum sheet have low cost and high performance in marine grade aluminium alloys. Because they are in contact with fresh water and are not as corrosive as sea water, they are made of 5052 marine grade aluminium sheet. Luxury yachts at sea are generally made of high-magnesium alloys of 5083H116 or 5083H321, and they have undergone special processing techniques and have good corrosion resistance.


The 5052 marine grade aluminium alloy sheet produced by Haomei Aluminum has been well used in a shipyard and boat building industry. The marine grade aluminum sheet used in this aluminum alloy vessel have passed DNV and CSS certificate. In addition to being used in ship plates, 5052 aluminum sheet can also be used in ship cable trays, ship tanks, and cabin floors. 

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