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2mm thickness 1050 aluminum plate introduction

2018-08-13 17:07:51

1050 aluminum sheet is cheap and is one of the most commonly used aluminum plate types.

The 2mm 1050 aluminum plate belongs to the 1 series pure aluminum plate. The 1 series aluminum plate determines the minimum aluminum content of the series according to the last two Arabic numerals. The last two Arabic numerals of the 1050 are 50. According to the international brand nomenclature, the aluminum content must reach 99.5% or more. As a qualified product, China’s aluminum alloy technical standards also clearly stipulate that the aluminum content of 1050 aluminum plate should reach 95%. The 1050 aluminum plate contains no other technical elements, the production process is relatively simple, and the price is relatively cheap.

H14/h24 Alloy Aluminum Sheet features:

1, 1050 aluminum plate is very soft, not strong, but has good ductility, so it can be drawn into filaments or rolled foil.

1050 aluminum sheet

2, 1050 aluminum plate density is small, can be strengthened, easy to process, and has good electrical and thermal conductivity, conductivity is two-thirds of copper, thermal conductivity is three times larger than iron, so it is mostly used for wires, cables, various heat exchanger, heat sink material, etc.

3, 1050 aluminum plate can not be heat treated and strengthened, can be strengthened by cold deformation, the only heat treatment form is annealing.

4, corrosion resistance, no low temperature brittleness, strong reflectivity, non-magnetic, sound-absorbing, nuclear radiation, beautiful surface.

Mechanical properties of 1050 aluminum plate:

Tensile strength σb (MPa): 60100

Elongation δ / (%): ≥ 23

Elongation 50mm/(%): ≥25

High Quality 1050a H14/h24 Aluminum Alloy Sheet application:

1050 aluminum sheet is often used in daily necessities, lighting equipment, reflectors, decorations, chemical industry containers, heat sinks, signs, electronics, lamps, nameplates, electrical appliances, stampings and other products. In some cases where high corrosion resistance and formability are required, the strength is not high, chemical equipment is a typical application.

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