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How to properly clean aluminum discs

2018-08-07 17:41:09

Everyone knows that aluminum is a kind of metal that is more common in our lives, and aluminum discs are also very common in our lives. For example, the sound equipment in our home, kitchen utensils, etc. are mostly made of aluminum circles. Sometimes we just use our own methods to clean these products, and without the proper cleaning method, it will cause great damage. Today, aluminum circle supplier, Zhengzhou Haomei introduces the method of properly cleaning aluminum round plate.

First, we can use a lot of water to wash the stains on the surface of the aluminum circle, then sprinkle some detergent diluted with water, then slowly wipe the appearance of the aluminum disc with a soft cloth, and then use a lot of water to rinse the surface that has just been washed, wash away the contents of the aluminum disc, and finally check the appearance of the aluminum disc to see if there is no clean center.

aluminum circle

In addition, we should also pay attention to that do not use high temperature water to clean the aluminum discs. Because the moisture volatilizes too fast, it will be harmful to the external paint. When using the detergent, we must choose a neutral detergent. Otherwise, it will corrode the appearance of the aluminum disc.

The above is the way for you to properly clean the aluminum circles. If you want to understand more about the aluminum wafers, please pay attention to the official website of Haomei Aluminum or call us directly, we will answer them one by one.

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