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1060 aluminum strip for battery anode pole

2021-07-14 14:00:11

The 1060 aluminum strip for battery anode pole is 4um to 16um thick, and 1.5mm to 130mm wide. The strip must be excellent in surface, which should be free from burs, oil stains, scratch marks, dents etc. The composition must be accurate, and the processing steps follow strictly technical standards of the strip. Aluminum battery anode pole helps to introduce electricity out of the battery to the motor, making electric vehicles safer and longer in service life.

1060 aluminum strips for battery anode pole

The thickness of anode aluminum strips has been reduced from 16um to 14um and then to 12um in previous years. Now many battery manufacturers have mass-produced aluminum tape of 10um, even 8um. As for the copper foil for the negative electrode, due to its better flexibility, its thickness has been reduced from 12um to 10um and then to 8um. Up to now, a large number of battery manufacturers use 6um in mass production, and some manufacturers are developing 5um/4um. It's all possible to use. Due to the high purity requirements of the aluminum foil used in lithium batteries, the density of the materials is basically at the same level. As the thickness of the development decreases, the area density also decreases accordingly, and the weight of the battery is naturally getting smaller and smaller, which meets our needs for lithium batteries.

To cater for the trend of environmentalism and green vehicles, many 1060 aluminum strip suppliers are competing for the battery positive pole market. Although price is often an overwhelming advantage, this must be based on reliable quality supported by technological level of manufacturers. Suppliers weaker in technology can only reduce cost by lowering standards for raw material quality. Therefore, purchasers need to be careful in selecting suppliers.

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